Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chicken hutch plans: another way to build your coop

When deciding on the size, design, and appearance of your chicken coop it can be a pretty tedious task. Every chicken coop design is different and you have to decide which is best for you! Do you want to work with a chicken shed plans or chicken ark plans or even chicken hutch plans? A easy tip that can help with deciding is you always have to decide the number of chickens you want your flock to be.

Do you want a large number of chickens with a big chicken coop so you can sell the eggs to get a small profit (eggs made by home grown chickens almost always taste better then store bought)? Then you should get around 30 chickens. If you want a smaller flock just to feed the whole family then all you will need is 7 or 10 chickens. But if your the self sustaining bachelor who just wants to save some money at the grocery store you will only need 2 or 3.

To the potential chicken owner who only wants to own a couple of chickens to just sustain his own egg eating lifestyle then the chicken hutch is probably the best choice. A chicken hutch is quick and cheap to build. They are so small that if later down the line you want to build a bigger chicken coop then you can integrate the chicken hutch into the bigger structure.

The first tip that you should always keep in mind is that a lot of people make their chicken door to small. This makes it hard for the chickens to get in and out of the coop. Its worth noting that a chicken coop door thats to big doesn’t really mean anything but a chicken coop door thats to small can be very bad for your chickens as they get older or just bulk up.

The chicken hutch is the perfect starting coop for someone who lives in a urban environment.



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