Tuesday, March 6, 2012

chicken hutch plans

Building a chicken hutch is a lot easier than it appears to be on the outside. First and foremost, you must have a good set of chicken hutch plans that incorporates important items such as the type of building materials to buy and the proper tools to use.

Along with the set of chicken hutch plans, you also have to take into account exactly where you plan on building a chicken coop that will be ideally suited for raising chickens.
The planning stage is the vital, but simpliest part of the construction process. Phase one is to determine the size and area of the chicken hutch. Depending on these two items will often be the determining factor as to which chicken hutch plans you choose.
Size and area is normally dependent on the number and breed of chickens you intend to raise. Learn the characteristics for the breed of chicken you will be dealing with.

Follow The Chicken Hutch Plans

 Once you have your chicken hutch plans in hand and have gathered up the necessary building material, the tools and have made a proper survey of the area, it is time to begin construction. Remember that some digging will be required so if your in doubt about the location of electrical wires, cables, water lines and other services make sure you follow the guidlines set out by your local utility companies before you beging digging.

A good set of chicken hutch plans will indicate the preferred depth, width and location for the post holes. There are a wide variety of poles that can be used for the pen so simply follow the plans and adjust the size for depth and width to insure your building a strong and durable chicken hutch.

Although the post and fence design is the cheapest and easiest to build, it may not be exactly what you need. Again, depending on the breed and the number of chickens you plan on raising you may find yourself going with one of the more popular wooden chicken hutch plans.



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