Friday, May 20, 2011

Information to Find the Best Producing Laying Egg Chickens

If you are looking for laying egg chickens you may be surprised to know that all females are chicken egg layers. However, there are certain breeds that have larger eggs and they lay those eggs more consistently than others as well as in different colors.

If you are looking for egg layer chickens that will lay eggs in a desired color you can discover that in one of two ways; do some simple breed research to find the chickens that lay eggs the color desired or; simply look at the color of the skin patch around the chickens ear. If the color is white around the ear the chicken will most likely lay white eggs. If the color is reddish around the ears those will generally lay brown eggs. (There is no way to tell what shade of brown the eggs will be from the color of the skin around the ear) Also, chickens that lay greenish-blue eggs normally have red ear skin patches as well.

Another very important thing to know is that the color of the eggs has nothing to do with the nutritional value of the egg. They will all have the same taste and nutritional qualities. However, free range chickens that have been fed a strictly organic diet along with some natural grasses will lay eggs that are proven to have higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E as well as having lower levels of cholesterol.

White Egg Layers:

Here are some of the most productive of the white chickens for egg laying. (Please note, though there are exceptions, that white egg laying chickens tend to be a bit more nervous and harder to tame than brown egg laying chickens. This seems to be one reason that many backyard and home flocks are made up of primarily chickens that lay brown eggs.



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