Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Use of Chicken in poultry farming

Poultry farming is about raising birds and then using them for either meat or eggs. Chicken is one of the major birds that are reared in poultry farms. Maximum poultry farms world over are rearing different breeds of chicken. Most important of them is the broiler.

Chicken is a highly preferred mode of diet and people world over prefers chicken meat because of its numerous advantages. Eggs are highly preferred and are almost used in all kinds of food. Thus chicken poultry farming can turn out to be a very profitable form of business.

Chicken has a lot of uses in poultry farms. Majorly chicken is used for its meat. Chicken has white meat which is low in fats and high in proteins because of which it is a much desired diet form. Health wise it is also very good and people prefer it over the red meat. Because of such high demand, intensive farming techniques are involved in which special breeds are imported or are genetically engineered to avail the best results.

Another product which is provided by chickens is eggs. Egg is one of the most famous food products. Mostly it is eaten in breakfast world over. It is an integral ingredient of ever dish. It is very healthy to eat. It is extremely high in protein and a lot of doctors suggest it.

Another product of chicken is its blood. Chicken blood is dried to produce fish food. Other organs of chicken which are not edible are chopped and dried to make fish feed. The waste products produced by the chicken are high in nitrogen because of which they are collected and are used as manure for the crops. A lot of people prefer natural manure over fertilizers because of long term effects. But majorly natural manure is used in subsistence crop farming.



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