Thursday, May 26, 2011

Poultry farming on the rise in local eggs

Poultry farming on the rise in local eggs

tags: sustainable, recycled, organic, scrubs, mantrameds, practice green health, eco, jack miller., environment, Business, Health care provider, Health care, Nurse, Environmentally friendly, Plastic bottle, Organic cotton, Sustainability, Florence Nightingale, American Nurses Association, New Jersey, Chicken, Chicken coop, eggs, Bird, Hobby farm, Poultry, Farmby Admin

Chicks: Range in price from $2 from catalogs to $10 per chick from feed stores like Rick’s Saddle Shop, varying based on breed and age.
Food: $15 per 50 pound bag, which feeds 10 chicks for 2 weeks, according to Rick’s Saddle Shop manager Kurry Walsh.
Coop: $300 for wood and chicken wire to build your own, or $500-$1,200 for pre-fabricated wood coops.

Eggs: Free, compared to conventionally grown eggs, $2.59 a dozen, and organic eggs, $4.79 a dozen, at Foodtown, Freehold. Hens lay one egg per day for the first two years of their lives.

MIDDLETOWN — When Mary Hussey moved into her new home off Bamm Hollow Road, she had a vision for the screened-in hot tub room off her basement: a chicken coop.

Hussey, who began raising chickens in her backyard in 2004, now shows her chickens in poultry shows and counsels others around the state on how to start their own egg-laying flock on their property. She said she has seen a big boom in interest among state residents looking to raise their own birds and eat fresh eggs.



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