Thursday, May 26, 2011

Poultry supplies feeding and supplies watering

Poultry suppliers of heaters, brooders, incubators, feeders,
waterers, laying nests, chicken coops, breeding pens, chicken wire, feed and supplements, heat bulbs, poultry health care products, poultry medications and more.
Automatic Chicken Watering Instructions

You should always provide fresh water to your chicks at all times. I would highly recommend that you add as an energy supplement one tablespoon of sugar per quart of water. Dip your chick’s beaks in the water so that they learn what it is. Place the water in a low, heavy bowl so that your chicks can’t tip it over.

You can also try a automatic chicken watering which you can purchase in any local feed supply store. If you are operating on a budget, try using an ashtray which makes for a great temporary water-holder, but this can only work if you only have a few chicks. Consistently check the automatic chicken watering in making sure the water is clean. Your chicks must have water at all times in order to remain healthy. You will notice that your chicks will drink lots of water.

The reason this occurs is because of their production of eggs. Your chicks will consistently sip the water continually during the day. This is why it’s very important to check the water continually to ensure that your chicks have a continual supply of water. You do not have to worry about teaching your chicks to drink water from a bowl if the mother is present.

The mother hen will teach the chicks how to not only drink water from a bowl but to pick up grain. The mother hen will even teach the chicks how to perform such measures without drowning. It is highly recommended that a bowl of water be placed out daily while changing it twice daily or more if needed. If the mother hen is not present, I do not recommend using an automatic chicken watering to dispense water to your chicks.



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