Old laying hens do not directly sell, because still be maintained for profit. This can be done by way of rejuvenating the laying hens in a way force moulting, there are three methods commonly performed are: conventional methods, methods of california, and methods macxindos. Of the three methods are best used is the method macxindos tropical and most widely used.
Macxindos method is a combination of the two ways above, where in this method rations and drinking water provided is limited and the dry rations given lamtoro leaves. The ways: days 1 and 2 fasted chicken. The third day of chicken just been watered. Day 4-6 fasted. 7-10 days to equal the third day. Day 11-25 chickens were given drinking freely with a complete meal (ration of laying hens) 50% of the needs of food, mixed with 20% leaf dry lamtoro.
Day 26 and beyond were given full rations and drinking freely. After 6 weeks of treatment experienced sepertidiatas, chickens will produce teenager back and ready again. Just to note is the stress that often occurs in chickens, because in the limit eating and drinking too long. By rejuvenating old cock, at least it can suppress the economic losses caused by chicken rejects.
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