Wednesday, February 22, 2012

poultry sheds design

Our customers look for consistent returns and understand that durable and reliable shed equipment is crucial to maximising profits for each batch turn-around.

Each product in our range has been carefully selected for their ability to work together to give you maximum profits and efficiency in your poultry operation. 

Drinker Systems
Big Dutchman poultry drinker systems are suitable for all types of operations. To achieve the optimum performance from your flock, it is extremely important to provide fresh and clean drinking water, a reliable water supply must also be available. The best choice for your drinking system depends on the type of birds, the operation type and your individual requirements.
Feeder Systems
Depending on feed distribution (ad libitum or controlled feeding) and age and type of birds, the system has to satisfy the needs of day-olds as well as those of heavy birds. Easy access to the feed and avoidance of feed waste is of great importance. There are several components within every feeder system - silos, feed fill and feed distribution (pan or chain).
Ventilation Systems
It is critical to provide the correct environment inside the shed to achieve maximium potential from your flock. This starts with the correct specifications and design of tunnel and minimum ventilation fans.
Environment Control
To operate effectively and economically the ventilation systems within the sheds a reliable and user friendly control equipment which will provide not only operation of the equipment but data on equipment performance and will enable you to minimise operational cost.
Monitors and Alarms
Independent backup alarms and monitors will minimise risks involved with shed operations.
Heating Systems
Effective and cost efficient heating systems at the start of grow out need to be provided for the welfare and achievement of performance potential of stock throughout the shed.
Cooling Systems
The correct design of your cool pad system will insure you get the best performance potential from your fans while achieving maximium cooling. Fogging systems where applicable, again need to be designed to ensure effective air cooling is achieved.
You need a reliable and correct winch design for the equipment that is being raised, or lowered or operated. Grifco winches have been supplying the Australian agricultural industry for many years.
Miscellaneous Equipment
AAS offer a range of bird weighing devices, feed milling and manure drying suitable for all types of poultry operations.
Nesting Systems
When choosing a nesting system it is important that the nest design is particular for the type of flock where the system will be housed. Our nesting systems are suitable for free-range, barn and breeder operations. 



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